A tool for personal construct therapy kelly
A tool for personal construct therapy kelly

a tool for personal construct therapy kelly

The chapter also discusses how Kelly’s personal construct theory can inform classroom teaching and reflects on an approach that explicitly expects people to behave scientifically as a perspective on science teaching and learning. It has subsequently been widely adapted for use in education, training and industry. The personal construct theory of George Kelly was developed initially as a therapeutic tool.

a tool for personal construct therapy kelly

This chapter considers the core ideas of Kelly’s theory in comparison with other constructivist perspectives employed in science education. (Kelly, 1955) and the more nuggets, or fragments, an individual collects the more accurate their view of reality is presumed to be. In his own educational work, he found that his approach offered insights into teachers’ classroom difficulties. Finally, drawing from Personal Construct Theory, I often use Kelly’s Role Construct Repertory (REP) assessment tool to identify a patient’s characteristic interpersonal perceptual style, and generate a statistically determined map of their construal geodesic dome. Such tool development is the creation of art. Kelly did not only offer a theory that could support clinical practice for therapists, but also offered a methodology for exploring a learner’s developing thinking. Film Music as the Basis of Art Therapy Training for the Development of Personal Reflection in Adolescence. Kelly’s work developed into a recognised approach in psychology, and became very influential in at least one school of thought in science education. People, like good scientists, should always be open to exploring new data and considering alternative explanations and conceptions, rather than becoming fixed in established ways of thinking.

#A tool for personal construct therapy kelly professional

Finding that the Freudian ideas he had been offered as tools in his own professional training offered little in working towards change with many of his clients, Kelly developed his own approach based upon a constructivist perspective of learning (which he called constructive alternativism) centred on the core metaphor of person-as-scientist. Kelly's methods can be applied to the functional analysis favoured by cognitive behaviourists, with clinical gains resulting from the quicker access this provides to personal meaning, and some constraints and assumptions of Kelly's dialectical logic may be avoided by adopting a more phenomenological approach to construing. George Kelly’s professional focus was on supporting people who were struggling with the stresses of their lives.

A tool for personal construct therapy kelly